Mazel tov to the most recent Jewish Fund for Abortion Access section grant recipients!
Learn about the grant recipients’ projects:
NCJW New York
NCJW New York will use a $5,000 grant to support work on the New York Equal Rights Amendment which would enshrine abortion access in the state constitution.
NCJW Atlanta
NCJW Atlanta will use $2,500 to support their 2024-2025 Teens 4 Repro Health program, a school-year-long program that empowers high school-age Jewish leaders to be positive change agents in the area of reproductive health for their peers and community.
NCJW Rochester
NCJW Rochester will use a $1,500 grant to support the launch of our “Come to the Table” Initiative to encourage men to support the New York Equal Rights Amendment on the ballot in November 2024. In partnership with Men4Choice and Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York (PPCWNY)
NCWJ Minnesota
NCWJ Minnesota will use a $2,000 grant to lay the groundwork for the future passage of the Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment, which would enshrine abortion access and reproductive freedom in the state constitution.
NCJW St. Louis
NCJW St. Louis will use a $5,000 grant for their work to mobilize advocacy efforts to support Missouri’s ballot initiative on the ballot this November to end Missouri’s abortion ban.
NCJW Chicago North Shore
NCJW Chicago North Shore will use a $1,000 grant to support the Chicago Metro Abortion Access Project, which in addition to other work, provides abortion after-care kits to abortion clinics across Illinois.
NCJW Sacramento
NCJW Sacramento will use a $1,000 grant for postage for postcarding to abortion providers, get-out-the-vote postcarding to states where abortion is on the ballot, and providing maxi pads for the local Planned Parenthood.

Previous NCJW section grant recipients:
NCJW Cleveland
NCJW Cleveland ($7,500) mobilized advocacy efforts for this past November’s ballot initiative to enshrine reproductive rights in the Ohio constitution.
NCJW Arizona
NCJW Arizona ($7,500) mobilized a signature drive to help ensure Arizona secures a 2024 ballot measure to legalize abortion in Arizona.
NCJW Greater Dallas
NCJW Greater Dallas ($1,000) engaged young professionals in leadership training and education for abortion justice.
Support the Work
The Jewish Fund for Abortion Access is the Jewish communal response to the ever-complicated reproductive health care landscape.