National Council of Jewish Women launched the Jewish Abortion Access Coalition (JAAC) in 2021, recognizing the growing need for education, deeper strategic coordination, power building, and collaboration among Jewish organizations that support abortion access.
JAAC is a national coalition that mobilizes the Jewish community to advance reproductive freedom. Through education and engagement opportunities, JAAC brings together national Jewish organizations across denominations to advance a Jewish vision of reproductive health, rights, and justice.
Our Vision
Guided by the Jewish values of Kavod habriot — dignity for all human beings — and tzedek — justice — we dream of a world where each person’s reproductive journey is rich with compassion and free of stigma. We believe our collective Jewish voices make an important contribution to the larger reproductive rights and justice movement. We recognize the imperative to center those communities most impacted and aim to inform our strategies with input from Reproductive Justice leaders. We know our faith-based voice is critical to shift the narrative on the intersection of abortion and religion. People of faith can and do believe in access to abortion.
Jewish law not only permits abortion, but even requires abortion under certain circumstances. Bans on abortion and restrictions on reproductive health care violate our beliefs rooted in Judaism. Working with faith-based, and non-faith-based partners, JAAC aims to change the narrative on abortion and religion through a powerful Jewish movement advocating for abortion access because of our religion, not in spite of it.
Our Work
Monthly Meetings
Trainings and Educational Opportunities
Lobby Days
Social Media Days of Action
Sign-On Letters
Repro Shabbat
...and more!

Abortion is on the Ballot:
Join the Jewish Community
Election season is coming and abortion is on the ballot. The Jewish community is turning out in states with ballot measures to guarantee reproductive freedom.
Check out opportunities to get involved or add an event to the community calendar!
Our Impact
Engaging thousands from the Jewish community around major inflection points including the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the leaked Dobbs draft opinion, the overturning of Roe v. Wade as well as the one-year anniversary of the disastrous decision, and more.
Getting Out The Vote through phone banking for state ballot initiatives, helping to advance reproductive health, rights, and justice.
Galvanizing the Jewish community to call on President Biden and Vice President Harris to examine all possible avenues to make abortion care accessible to all.
Increasing cosponsors to the Women’s Health Protection Act, Right to Contraception Act, and Stop Anti-Abortion Disinformation (SAD) Act.
Helping to destigmatize the word “abortion” in the Jewish community.
Mobilizing Jewish organizations large and small across denominations to advocate for abortion access.
Providing values-based messaging utilized by the Jewish community.
Creating a storybank for Jewish abortion storytellers.
Member Organizations
JOIN for Justice
Lilith Magazine
Moishe House
Moving Traditions
Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies
Rabbinical Assembly
Reconstructing Judaism
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Religious Action Center
Repair the World
Society for Humanistic Judaism
SHJ / Jews for a Secular Democracy
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism
Women of Reform Judaism
Women’s Rabbinic Network
Worker’s Circle
American Jewish World Service
The Association of Rabbis and Cantors Board (ARC)
Be’chol Lashon
Bend the Arc
Central Conference of American Rabbis
JCC Association of North America
Jewish Democratic Council of America
Jewish Labor Committee
Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance
Jewish Women’s Archive
Jewish Women of Color Marching (JWOC)
Stay Connected
Stay in the loop, RSVP for upcoming #JewsForAbortionAccess events, be among the first to hear about initiatives, and gain access to social media graphics and other downloadables.
Support the Work
Make a gift to NCJW’s Jewish Fund for Abortion Access or a local abortion fund and connect real people who need abortions with the money they need to access care.
Shop Our Store
Additional resources including buttons, posters, stickers, and apparel are available in our online store.