Abortion is on the Ballot:
Join the Jewish Community

Connect with voters to protect reproductive freedom through postcards, letter writing, phone banking, text banking, knocking on doors, and more!

There is powerful work happening across the Jewish landscape to advance a Jewish vision of reproductive health, rights, and justice. 

Consider this page your one-stop shop to find opportunities to get involved! The calendar below shows events hosted by JAAC organizations and NCJW local sections across the country.

Election season is coming up and abortion is on the ballot. The Jewish community is turning out in states that have ballot measures to guarantee reproductive freedom. With so much at stake and relentless attacks on reproductive health care, now is the time to get out the vote on these nonpartisan ballot measures!

Check out the opportunities below to get involved!

National Council of Jewish Women does not support or oppose candidates or political parties.

Have an event you want to see listed?